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What is a good method for sending a message from a Child view to its parent Collection view in Backbone.js or Marionette.js?

What is a good method for sending a message from a Child view to its parent Collection view in Backbone.js or Marionettejs?

Normally I send the message through the collection:

ChildView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
     send_message: function(){

ParentCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
     // ON RENDER
     onRender: function(){
          this.listenTo(this.collection, 'some-message', this.do_something);
     do_something: function(){
          alert('did something');

I think this is not right because:

  • I'm sending the message from the child view, through the data, back to the parent view
  • In this instance, the message does not relate to the data, its strictly message passing between views about view stuff
  • The model could belong to more than one collection

Instead, I would like to send a message directly from a child view to its parent collection view. (actually, I'm using a composite view, not sure if that matters, wanted to keep the example simple though).

like image 867
Chris Dutrow Avatar asked Jan 23 '16 21:01

Chris Dutrow

1 Answers

Either have the child view directly emit the event and have the parent listen for it :

ChildView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
     send_message: function(){

ParentCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
     // ON RENDER
     onRender: function(){
          // no idea how Marionette references its children views
          // let's say this.subview is a reference to your child view 
          this.listenTo(this.subview, 'some-message', this.do_something);

     do_something: function(){
          alert('did something');

Or use a dedicated event emitter you inject into your subview(s)

ChildView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
     send_message: function(){

ParentCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
     initialize: function(){
          this.channel = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events); 
          this.listenTo(this.channel, 'some-message', this.do_something);
     // ON RENDER
     onRender: function(){
          // pass the channel to the child
          // that probably should be done when the child is created
          this.subview.channel = this.channel;
     do_something: function(){
          alert('did something');
like image 110
nikoshr Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 06:09
