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New posts in marionette

How to show edit action icon when mouse-over on particular text

Element not ready after Backbone.Marionette.ItemView render?

How to bind Marionette.ItemView to existing page element, instead of passing in a template?

Backbone Marionette and RequireJS Modules Confusion – module seems to be undefined

Zingchart chart not filling parent div's width

The proper way to filter a backbone.collection by using Marionette.CompositeView

Marionette itemViewEvents; event dispatching and binding


How to access Backbone.Model methods from Marionette.js ItemView template?

keyup event is not firing - backbone

Testing a trigger click from a Backbone.View which opens a new Backbone.View

Backbone.js "fat router" design conundrum

Select2 acts very different with Uncaught query function not defined for Select2 <select2-id>

After Render Event on CompositeView with Backbone.Marionette

backbone.js marionette

When to use a Backbone.View vs. Backbone.Marionette.ItemView?

backbone.js marionette

Render a Marionette region after model has been fetched

Difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response

Marionette - initialize event not firing

Backbone.Marionette CollectionView callback when all itemViews have finished rendering?


Backbone Marionette Module is deprecated, what is a good alternative to handling initializers and start events?

Django URL conf and Backbone.js Router