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New posts in makefile

How do I check dependencies when invoking a sub-make to build when there are changes?

Makefile - How to save the .o one directory up?


GNU make rule for multiple targets


F#, Linux and makefiles

linux f# mono makefile

What can I do if getcwd() and getenv("PWD") don't match?

c macos makefile getcwd getenv

What is the difference between "mv" and "-mv" shell commands in a makefile?

bash makefile

How to combine unittest results using a Makefile?

How to compile a Delphi projectgroup using MSBuild called from an Embarcadero Makefile

delphi msbuild makefile

how to write makefile to take care of changes in the header file

c++ makefile gnu-make

Debugging Makefile for target that is not being built

debugging makefile gnu-make

Creating a library file in makefile and compiling after that

c++ makefile g++ mpic++

about CFLAGS in Makefile

c gcc makefile

Makefile improvements, dependency generation not functioning

c++ makefile gnu-make

Prepend to Simply Expanded Variable

makefile gnu-make

Determine if Makefile is executed with gmake

makefile gnu-make freebsd

How can I compile a minimum program with libuv?

c gcc makefile libuv

Installing WordNet on Linux (Ubuntu trusty)

CMake: Is it possible to run CONFIGURE_FILE after each make?

makefile cmake

Post-build step for multiple targets

makefile post-build-event

Openwrt : How to add a specific library dependency in new package