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moving from make to cmake: how to use build target with wildcards

makefile cmake wildcard

Cross compiling linux kernel module for ARM on x86 ubuntu [closed]

linux makefile arm

addprefix command not recognized in makefile using nmake.exe windows

.PHONY usage in makefile


Using Makefile.am and Makefil.in Windows 7?


the best way to solve "variable 'xxx' was declared but never referenced"

c gcc makefile warnings armcc

gdb : what is a symbol-file used for debugging

c++ debugging makefile gdb

undefined reference to 'typeinfo for testing::Test' with Google Test on Android NDK

How do I write system-independent code when there are paths involved?

c++ path linker makefile

install node js error in "make" command: "recipe for target 'node' failed"

Generic c++ project in Qt creator - No rule to make target

c++ qt makefile qt-creator

Prevent GNU make from expanding dollar signs in environment variables

Error: "Mixed implicit and static pattern rules" in my Makefile

c++ windows c++11 makefile

How to properly add two numbers in a Makefile


What does "$(@:H)" do in MakeFile?


Where does make store its cache?

makefile gnu-make

Android NDK: how to let gcc to use additional include directories

gcc makefile android-ndk

Issue with simple Makefile: undefined reference to symbol 'cos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'

c makefile

fcgio.cpp:50: error: 'EOF' was not declared in this scope

c++ c makefile g++ fastcgi