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New posts in magit

collapsing all diffs in magit?

emacs magit

Creating Pull requests right from Emacs

Turning off magit-mode commit formatting

git emacs magit

Using magit style diffing generally

emacs magit

Magit cannot connect to emacsclient inside docker?

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How can I configure Magit to use my Github user name?

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Get the VC root in Emacs Lisp

Amending commit that is edited as part of a rebase in magit

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Can't find git executable

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Emacs -- How to push a Git repository to multiple remotes

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Emacs + magit - vertical blame

emacs magit

Magit : how to see log between 2 points

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Can't seem to push to GitHub using magit

git emacs magit

Magit: Is there a way I can toggle --ignore-all-space option for the default magit-status buffer?

emacs magit

magit-grep, how to include or exlude file extensions?

git emacs grep magit

How can I remove trailing whitespace from a hunk in Magit?

emacs whitespace magit

how to deactivate vc-git in GNU Emacs?

How do you list tracked files (git ls-files) in magit?

git emacs magit

Magit - rename last commit

git magit

How to revert a change from older commit in `magit`?

git emacs magit