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AND/OR (&&/||) logic for multiple condition statements [closed]

Not able to figure out the logical error in C program

C++ Without initialization variable

c++ logic

Inconsistencies with && and divide-by-zero error in Java

java logic

Why does `false && true || true` evaluate to true?

Additive Sequence Algorithm

Converting string expression to boolean logic - C#

c# logic expression

A concrete example of fuzzy logic

VHDL: Finding out/reporting bit width/length of integer (vs. std_logic_vector)?

What is the most effective workflow for this iOS app?

ios workflow logic

How to obtain an "indirect implicant" in propositional logic

Simplifying straight line movements in a list of step by step (x,y) coordinates

python algorithm logic

Writing ontologies in DL syntax?

Best resize and or crop logic

c# resize logic crop

Need to create a "choose your own adventure" type guide - best approach to use

Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Finding the Maximum Subarray - How to also provide the result subarray indexes?

Unexpected error of logic

perl file file-io logic

Relationship between number of logic cells on an FPGA and performance

Why does this greater than function work?

c logic bit-manipulation