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New posts in log4j

Is Log4j a dead project? [closed]

Controlling logging functionality in hadoop

hadoop log4j

log file empty when using log4j2

Parsing JSON in Logstash

log4j logstash

Need to implement Custom Logger Wrapper in log4j2

java logging log4j log4j2

No Commons Logging in Android?

How can I disable Apache Commons / Log4J logging in third party libraries?

SLF4J logging to file vs. DB vs. Solr

java logging solr log4j slf4j

Is log4j not thread safe after all?

Is Logback mature enough to replace log4j? [closed]

java log4j slf4j logback

What are the possible reasons behind "log4j: Error Could not find value for key log4j.appender.SQL_APPENDER"

Filter log by matching pattern - log4j

log4j pattern-matching

How to customize log4j2 RollingFileAppender?

java logging log4j log4j2

How to disable hibernate 4 output with log4j2?

hibernate log4j log4j2

How can I set up separate streams of logging for log4j?

java logging log4j

How to enable HttpClient wire logging in a Spring Boot 2.0.5 application?

Using external log4j.properties file with Grails

grails log4j

log4j configuration in EAR

java log4j ear

Write Log4j output to HDFS

java hadoop log4j hdfs

Slf4j with Log4j does not print wrapped exception (caused by) when wrapper exception has a message