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New posts in local-storage

Can I use html5 local storage for storing user authentication session information

How to have separate sessionStorages for iframes on same origin

how to wait until localStorage.setItem finishes in angular 4

How to read/write local files through a web page?

"DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned." in FireFox 34

Does HTML5 local storage separate data per user?

html local-storage

iOS PhoneGap app rejected because of the use of localStorage

ios cordova local-storage

How can I use the BroadcastChannel API or something similar in Safari 10+?

How can I use something like HTML5 localStorage, but shared between browsers?

Loop & search through ALL items in localStorage

Can I use CouchDB mobile as a replacement for localStorage?

Is it ok to use localStorage instead of Redux or Context API?

How can Android write a value onto HTML5 localstorage?

Is there any workaround to make use of html5 localstorage on both http and https?

html local-storage

Is there a Javascript library for localStorage to emulate SQLite

Capturing and storing a picture taken with the Camera into a local database / PhoneGap / Cordova / iOS

How to create a Wufoo-like (form builder) web application with JQuery and Rails?

HTML5 LocalStorage: How Much Space Do I Have Left?

Detect "image corrupt or truncated" in Firefox

IE11 doesn't fire local storage events when value is too large