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New posts in passport.js

Why is passport.serializeUser executed on each request?

passport.js - Access fail message after 401 error

Unknown authentication strategy passport

What are some strategies to prevent flooding/abuse of api requests

Which authentication strategy should I use for my API?

Accessing Passport's req.user within React (ES6)? API call returns req.user as undefined

Node + Passport, Error: Authentication strategies must have a name

404 not found error setting up Passport in Express 4

Passing through URL parameters through Passport OAuth flow

how to use passport middleware in a controller

how to fix TypeError: Cannot read property 'authenticate' of undefined passportjs

Setting up connect-flash middleware for use by passport

node.js express passport.js

Node+Passport.js + Sessions + multiple servers

How to combine passport and angular-ui routing

Can I have multiple facebook strategies for passport?

Passport.js and MongoStore error "Connection strategy not found at MongoStore"

sailsjs jwt token based authentication example

How to properly use Passport.js?

passport-google-oauth unable to logout user

Basics of Passport Session (expressjs)-why do we need to serialize and deserialize?

express passport.js