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New posts in linq-to-nhibernate

Nhibernate 3 Linq - inner joins

NHibernate OrderByDescending throwing exception `A recognition error occurred`

Linq to NHibernate: Distinct

.net sql linq-to-nhibernate

Select n+1 problem

How can I get distinct values using Linq to NHibernate?

Multiple fetch in ThenFetch

A different object with same identifier was already associated with the session error

Extending LINQ to Nhibernate provider, in combination with Dynamic LINQ problem

Grouping in condition is being dropped

NHibernate - Query misses the query cache after saving a new entity

Linq to NHibernate multiple OrderBy calls

Trouble formulating inner joins using NHibernate Linq query

"No persister for" error with NHibernate, NHibernate.Linq and Fluent Mapping

Conditional operator in Linq Expression causes NHibernate exception

Fetching records by date with only day part comparison using nhibernate

How do I combine two Expressions?

c# linq linq-to-nhibernate

Nhibernate could not resolve property exception when using QueryOver, works on QueryAll

NHibernate is producing SQL with a bad join