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A different object with same identifier was already associated with the session error

Scenario: I have a customer object with lazy loading enabled. I use that throughout the program to call a list of customer for a listbox. It has relationships to the Division_Customer_Rel, Division_Email_Rel and Email_Address objects. All off the relationships have Lazy = true, Cascade = ManyRelationCascadeEnum.AllDeleteOrphan, Inverse = true.

Problem: When I am using a new session and I try and save it gives me the error A different object with same identifier was already associated with the session. I have tried to use LINQ to return the list without using a new session by joining the other objects in the call but I'm not sure how to use ActiveRecordLinq<> when joining.

private Customer GetCustomer()
       return (from x in ActiveRecordLinq.AsQueryable<Customer>()
         where x.Customer_ID == ((Customer)lst_customers.SelectedItem).Customer_ID 
         select x).First();

Code that produces the error

using (new SessionScope())
                //var sess = GetSession();
                //var customer =
                //    sess.CreateCriteria<Customer>("c").CreateCriteria("c.DivisionCustomer_Rels").List<Customer>().
                //        First();
                var customer = GetCustomer();
                    /* Ensure user wishes to commit the data. */

                    var result =
                            @"You are about to submit changes to customer: " + customer.CustomerName + @"." +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                            @"Submit Changes?", @"Submit Customer Changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                        customer.CustomerName = txt_custName.Text;
                        customer.NamcisNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txt_namcis.Text);
                        customer.DCA = chk_dca.Checked;
                        customer.CustomerType = (CustomerType_Code) cmb_custType.SelectedItem;
                        customer.AOR = (AOR_Code) cmbAOR.SelectedItem;
                        customer.CSRep = (CSRep_Code) cmbCSRep.SelectedItem;
                        foreach (var t in lst_SectorCust.Items)
                            customer.DivisionCustomer_Rels.Add(new Division_Customer_Rel
                                                                       Customer = customer
                                                                       Division = (Division_Code) t,
                                                                       MarkedForDeletion = false
                        foreach (var t in lst_Circuit.Items)
                            customer.CircuitCustomer_Rels.Add(new Circuit_Customer_Rel
                                                                      Circuit = (Circuit) t,
                                                                      Customer = customer,
                                                                      MarkedForDeletion = false
                        foreach (var t in lst_email.Items)
                            var temp = (Email_Address)t;
                            temp.Customer = customer;

                        ////Need to manage the emails this way otherwise we recieve an error because of lazy loading
                        //foreach (var temp in lst_email.Items.Cast<Email_Address>())
                        //    temp.Customer = customer;
                        //    if (!customer.EmailAddresses.Any(s=>temp.ToString().Equals(s.ToString())) && !customer.EmailAddresses.Contains(temp))
                        //    {
                        //        customer.EmailAddresses.Add(temp);
                        //    }


                        //var text = IList<Email_Address> lst_email.Items;
                        //var tem = customer.EmailAddresses.Except(lst_email.Items);
                        //for (var i = customer.EmailAddresses.Count - 1; i >= 0;i-- )
                        //    var temp = customer.EmailAddresses[i];

                        //    for (var j = 0; j < lst_email.Items.Count; j++)
                        //    {
                        //        if (temp.ToString()!=lst_email.Items[j].ToString())
                        //        {
                        //            customer.EmailAddresses.Remove(temp);
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        MessageBox.Show(@"Changes submitted.");

Email Address Class

   namespace Sens
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Castle.ActiveRecord;

    [Serializable, ActiveRecord("dbo.Email_Address")]
    public class Email_Address : ActiveRecordValidationBase<Email_Address>
        #region Constructors

        public Email_Address()
            DivisionEmail_Rels = new List<Division_Email_Rel>();


        #region Properties

        [PrimaryKey(Column = "Email_ID")]
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        public int Email_ID { get; private set; }

        [BelongsTo(Column = "Customer_ID")]
        public Customer Customer { get; set; }

        [Property(Column = "[Email]", NotNull = true, Length = 100)]
        public string Email { get; set; }

        [BelongsTo(Column = "EmailType_ID")]
        public EmailType_Code EmailType { get; set; }

        [Property(Column = "[ReceivesSENS]", NotNull = true)]
        public bool ReceivesSENS { get; set; }

        [Property(Column = "[MarkedForDeletion]", NotNull = true)]
        public bool MarkedForDeletion { get; set; }


        #region HasMany DivisionEmail_Rels

        [HasMany(typeof(Division_Email_Rel), Lazy = false,Cascade=ManyRelationCascadeEnum.AllDeleteOrphan,Inverse=true)]
        public IList<Division_Email_Rel> DivisionEmail_Rels { get; set; }


Division Customer Rel

    namespace Sens
    using System;
    using Castle.ActiveRecord;

    [Serializable, ActiveRecord("dbo.Division_Customer_Rel")]
    public class Division_Customer_Rel : ActiveRecordValidationBase<Division_Customer_Rel>
        #region Constructors


        #region Properties

        [PrimaryKey(Column = "Relationship_ID")]
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        public int Relationship_ID { get; private set; }
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming

        [BelongsTo(Column = "Customer_ID")]
        public Customer Customer { get; set; }

        [BelongsTo(Column = "Division_ID")]
        public Division_Code Division { get; set; }

        [Property(Column = "[MarkedForDeletion]", NotNull = true)]
        public bool MarkedForDeletion { get; set; }


Division Email Rel

 #region namespace imports

using System;
using Castle.ActiveRecord;


namespace Sens
    [Serializable, ActiveRecord("dbo.Division_Email_Rel")]
    public class Division_Email_Rel : ActiveRecordValidationBase<Division_Email_Rel>
        #region Constructors


        #region Properties

        [PrimaryKey(Column = "Relationship_ID")]
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
            public int Relationship_ID { get; private set; }

// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming

        [BelongsTo(Column = "Email_ID", Cascade = CascadeEnum.All)]
        public Email_Address Email { get; set; }

        [BelongsTo(Column = "Division_ID")]
        public Division_Code Division { get; set; }

        [BelongsTo(Column = "Customer_ID")]
        public Customer Customer { get; set; }

        [Property(Column = "[MarkedForDeletion]", NotNull = true)]
        public bool MarkedForDeletion { get; set; }

like image 533
Gage Avatar asked Aug 27 '10 17:08


1 Answers

The way I finally got it to save after googling everywhere for an answer was to clear the Email_Addresses instead of clearing them.

                        foreach (var t in lst_email.Items)
                            var temp = (Email_Address)t;
                            temp.Customer = customer;


Not sure why this worked though, if someone could explain that would be great. I posting this on here so that hopefully it will save some time for the next person encountering this error .

like image 133
Gage Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10
