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Problem creating empty IQueryable<T> object

Basically i want to merge two Iqueryable to one Iqueryable and then return the complete record set after my loop ends. It runs perfectly but in the end my objret have nothing but when i debug the loop obj have some records. wht im doing wrong

IQueryable<MediaType> objret = Enumerable.Empty<MediaType>().AsQueryable();
var typ = _db.MediaTypes.Where(e => e.int_MediaTypeId != 1 && e.int_MediaTypeId_FK == null).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < typ.Count; i++)
    IQueryable<MediaType> obj = _db.MediaTypes.Where(e => e.bit_IsActive == true && e.int_MediaTypeId_FK == typ[i].int_MediaTypeId);
    IQueryable<MediaType> obj1 = _db.MediaTypes.Where(e => e.int_OrganizationId == Authorization.OrganizationID && e.bit_IsActive == true && e.int_MediaTypeId_FK == typ[i].int_MediaTypeId);

    if (obj1.Count() > 0)
    if(obj.Count() > 0)
return objret;
like image 376
Fraz Sundal Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 06:08

Fraz Sundal

1 Answers

Just like the other query operators, Concat doesn't change the existing sequence - it returns a new sequence.

So these lines:

if (obj1.Count() > 0)
if(obj.Count() > 0)

should be

if (obj1.Count() > 0)
    objret = objret.Concat(obj1);
if(obj.Count() > 0)
    objret = objret.Concat(obj);

I'm not sure how well IQueryable is going to handle this, given that you're mixing LINQ to SQL (? maybe Entities) with Enumerable.AsQueryable, mind you. Given that you're already executing the queries to some extent due to the Count() calls, have you considered building up a List<T> instead?

(You don't need to execute the Count() at all - just call List<T>.AddRange(obj1) and ditto for obj.)

As jeroenh mentioned, ideally it would be nice to use a solution which could do it all that the database without looping at all in your C# code.

like image 163
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10

Jon Skeet