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How to dock a windows form in C#?

I just would like to know if it is possible to dock a windows form on top of the user screen? I have been trying to do this by manually setting the position of my form to the coordinates I want. But using this method, however, allows the user to change the position of the form just by dragging it. I want to make the form docked to the upper portion of the screen since this window form will server as a menu for the project I am making.

Thanks a lot. :)

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Smiley Avatar asked Jul 09 '10 15:07


People also ask

What is Dock in Windows form?

Remarks. Use the Dock property to define how a control is automatically resized as its parent control is resized. For example, setting Dock to DockStyle. Left causes the control to align itself with the left edges of its parent control and to resize as the parent control is resized.

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1 Answers

I would consider using the Control.Dock property along with one of the DockStyle enumeration values.

You might need to play with the Layout too, so that you may layout your form's controls differently depending on the DockStyle selected.

You will need, in my point of view, to consider the Control.Location property so that you get to know which DockStyle value to dock your form with.


Your Windows Form has a Dock property as it inherits from Control.

Let's consider the following :

  1. Each time your form comes closer to your right-side of the screen, for example, or of the MDI container, you want to dock right, right ? (Little word play here... =P) So, you have to subscribe to the Control.LocationChanged event.

    private void myForm_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        if (this.Location.X > 900) then
            this.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
        else if (this.Location.X < 150) then
            this.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
        else if (this.Location.Y > 600) then
            this.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
        else if (this.Location.Y < 150) then
            this.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
            this.Dock = DockStyle.None;

Indeed, instead of constant values, you should use the current desktop resolution and calculate a ratio from it where you want your docking to occur.

***Disclaimer:****This code is provided as-is and has not been tested. This algorithm is hopefully enough to guide you through the docking process as you need it. Further assistance may be brought upon request.* =)

It seems the Form.DesktopLocation property is the righter tool for the job as for your main window, meaning your MDI container, for instance. As for the other windows, I would go along with something that looks like the code sample provided.

Does this help?


If you want to prevent Form's overlapping, perhaps the Control.BringToFront() method could do it before or after your call to the Control.Show() method, depending on what works best for you.

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Will Marcouiller Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Will Marcouiller