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New posts in linq-to-nhibernate

Linq to NHibernate ThenFetch multiple properties

NHibernate Linq - how to create a where statement with IS NOT NULL

Nhibernate .Fetch calls fail on a mocked session

How to use nhibernate ToFuture query with nhibernte linq

NHibernate 3, Dynamic-Component, Dictionaries, and LINQ Queries

Does it make sense to use an OR-Mapper?

Linq to NHibernate: sum of sums

Statistical query in SQL - is this possible with NHibernate LINQ?

NHibernate: can't successfully eager load

Unexpected Linq Behavior - ToList()

Eager load while using Linq in NHibernate 3

NHibernate ( NullReferenceException using Query<> and NHibernate Facility

NHibernate 3.x deletes child entities when combining LINQ paging, many-to-many, and subselect fetch

NHibernate uses wrong column type for LINQ contains query (varchar to nvarchar)

Is this the right way of using ThenFetch() to load multiple collections?

Max in linq to NHibernate for not exist data in database

QueryOver statement for selecting N rows with descending DateTime order

NHibernate.Linq - How well does it work?

'string' does not contain a definition for 'Contains'

fluent nhibernate not supported exception newexpression