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Linq to NHibernate: Distinct

I am trying to get the following SQL output using Linq-to-NHibernate:

SELECT DISTINCT Name, at.Year FROM MyTable mt
INNER JOIN AnotherTable at ON at.Id = mt.AnotherTableId

The Name and Year properties are going to be wrapped up in a new class, so the C# code will look something like this:

   .Select(x => new FooBar { Name = x.Name, Year = x.AnotherTable.Year }))

How can I get the DISTINCT keyword to appear in the sql query?

like image 920
cbp Avatar asked Nov 16 '09 04:11


2 Answers

Can't your try:

   .Select(x => new FooBar { Name = x.Name, Year = x.Year }))

Select returns an IEnumerable, so by default it should have Distinct, regardless of whether your intellisense detects it or not.

like image 191
Graviton Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11


I do not use the linq provider day-to-day, but looking around it does not seem possible.

Could you consider QueryOver?

 First firstReference = null;
        Second secondReference = null;
        var items = Session().QueryOver(() => firstReference)
                        .JoinAlias(() => firstReference.Seconds, () => secondReference)
                                    .Add(Projections.Property(() => firstReference.Name).WithAlias(() => firstReference.Name))
                                    .Add(Projections.Property(() => secondReference.Year).WithAlias(() => secondReference.Year))))

I hope this helps.

like image 34
Jon Bates Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11

Jon Bates