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New posts in linear-algebra

How does numpy.linalg.inv calculate the inverse of an orthogonal matrix?

Converting 2d mask to 1d in Gaussian blur

How can I generate a Toeplitz matrix in the correct form for performing discrete convolution?

Is integer multiplication implemented using double precision floating point exact up until 2^53?

numpy.dot how to calculate 1-D array with 2-D array

python numpy linear-algebra

Matrix multiplication gives unsual result in Python (SciPy/PyLab)

Fast Algorithms for Finding Pairwise Euclidean Distance (Distance Matrix)

Quaternion is flipping sign for very similar rotations?

are hidden globals bad programming practice?

MATLAB eig returns inverted signs sometimes

Need a faster way to convert a cv::Mat into 1 dimensional vector form

Weighted least square - fit a plane to 3D point set

Create a block circulant matrix in R

r linear-algebra

Why does numpy.dot behave in this way?

Find the inverse of a Matrix in MATLAB, is inv(A) or A\eye(size(A)) more precise? [duplicate]

How to generate uniform random points inside d-dimension ball / sphere?

Solving linear system over integers with numpy

python numpy linear-algebra

In Julia assign the diagonal values of a matrix, get "error in method definition"

julia linear-algebra

Best base type to deal with linear algebra

Precise determinant of integer NxN matrix