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How can I draw a horizontal line and center it?

.net xaml windows-phone-7 line

what do you call this gray line thing in html

html line

How to read multi-line input in a Bash script? [closed]

bash shell line

Draw curved custom object in LIBGDX?

java android libgdx line curve

Block elements take full width when text wraps on to two lines

text width line block

How to compute line segment intersections on a map

map line gis intersection

chart.js 2, animate right to left (not top-down)

How to draw "glowing" line in OpenGL ES

opengl-es line

NVD3 line chart with vertical line

svg plot d3.js line nvd3.js

SVG line in y=mx+c format

svg line

Need to make special line follow user's finger smoothly that also has other behaviors

android line

How does eclipse figure if a file has unix or dos-style line endings?

java eclipse clearcase line

In doxygen documentation how to create a link to a specific line of a file

line hyperlink doxygen

How to precisely control line thickness in MATLAB plot?

How to draw straight line between two controls in a user control?

How can I check if two lines are identical in vim?

vim line

Extending a line segment to fit into a bounding box

How to draw a line in Python Mayavi?

python plot line draw mayavi

Line and Line Segment intersection