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New posts in lifetime

Lifetime of temporary object associated with const reference (method chaining)

c++ reference lifetime

Does lifetime elision work for methods in trait impls?

rust lifetime

Clarify the meaning of binding two references to differently scoped referents to the same lifetime in a function signature

Type mismatch "bound lifetime parameter" vs "concrete lifetime" when filling a collection from a closure

closures rust lifetime

How do I make format! return a &str from a conditional expression?

Extended lifetime of an object returned from function

Why does the variable not live long enough?

What is the implicit lifetime for the 1st argument when the 2nd argument is annotated with 'a?

rust lifetime

max_by_key on Map doesn't allow destructuring of tuple into key-value pair

rust lifetime

"borrowed value does not live long enough" when using the builder pattern

Default mutable value from HashMap

rust lifetime

How to operate on 2 mutable slices of a Rust array?

rust slice lifetime

Return lazy iterator that depends on data allocated within the function

How would auto&& extend the life-time of the temporary object?

Why would you ever use the same lifetimes for references in a struct?

struct rust lifetime

When is temporary lifetime extension useful in modern C++?

Implementing a trait for closures results in bound/concrete lifetime mismatch

rust traits lifetime

How can I get impl Trait to use the appropriate lifetime for a mutable reference to a value with another lifetime in it?

rust lifetime

Rust lifetime error expected concrete lifetime but found bound lifetime

reference rust lifetime

Returning iterator of a Vec in a RefCell

iterator rust lifetime