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New posts in lenses

What is the dual of a prism or an affine traversal?

remove elements from a List of case class structure efficiently and elegantly

scala lenses monocle-scala

Summarize a list of Haskell records

haskell lenses

Change element of list if it holds against some condition or add a new one if not, using Data.Lens

list haskell lenses

Is it possible to construct a new record using Lenses?

haskell lenses

Which languages support Lenses or similar way to update immutable nested structures?

java scala immutability lenses

makeLenses for GADTs (Haskell)

haskell gadt lenses

Does Control.Lens have a performance overhead?

performance haskell lenses

Does the identity function in Clojure have the same usage and purpose as the id function in Haskell?

indexing list with Control.Lens requires Monoid constraint

haskell lenses haskell-lens

How can I use `over` from Control.Lens but perform a monadic action and collect the results?

haskell haskell-lens lenses

How to use lenses to look up a value in a map, increase it or set it to a default value

haskell state-monad lenses

Use Lens as `map`

haskell lenses

Why doesn't a prism set function return an Option/Maybe

How to modify this nested case classes with "Seq" fields?

scala case-class lenses

Generating lenses for a "lens" library with a custom name processor instead of the default "underscore"-based one

What's the reason behind the name Market in Control.Lens?

Composing partial getters using the lens library

haskell lenses

How to find and modify field in nested case classes?

scala lenses monocle-scala

Making a single function work on lists, ByteStrings and Texts (and perhaps other similar representations)