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Making a single function work on lists, ByteStrings and Texts (and perhaps other similar representations)

I'm writing a function that does some searching in a sequence of arbitrary symbols. I'd like to make it generic enough so that it works on lists, Foldables as well on ByteStrings and Texts. Generalizing it to Foldable is simple. But how to include ByteStrings and Texts? Sure I could convert ByteString into a list and then call my function, but I'd lose all the advantages ByteStrings.

To have a concrete example let's say we want to make a histogram function:

import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T

type Histogram a = Map a Int

empty :: (Ord a) => Histogram a
empty = Map.empty

histogramStep :: (Ord a) => a -> Histogram a -> Histogram a
histogramStep k = Map.insertWith (+) k 1

histogram :: (Ord a, F.Foldable t) => t a -> Histogram a
histogram = F.foldl (flip histogramStep) empty

But since neither ByteString nor Text can be Foldable (it stores just Word8s/Chars, not arbitrary elements), I'm stuck with creating more functions that look exactly like the one before, just with a different type signatures:

histogramBS :: B.ByteString -> Histogram Word8
histogramBS = B.foldl (flip histogramStep) empty

histogramText :: T.Text -> Histogram Char
histogramText = T.foldl (flip histogramStep) empty

This is something one does not expect in a functional language like Haskell.

How to make it generic, to write histogram once and for all?

like image 619
Petr Avatar asked Oct 12 '12 11:10


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3 Answers

Your solution is pretty much what the ListLike package does. There's also the additional package listlike-instances which adds instances for Text and Vector.

like image 59
shang Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11


After a while I made a solution myself, but I'm not sure if it could be solved in a better way, or if someone already did this in some library.

I created a type-class with TypeFamilies as

class Foldable' t where
    type Element t :: *
    foldlE :: (b -> Element t -> b) -> b -> t -> b
    -- other functions could be copied here from Foldable

and instances:

newtype WrapFoldable f a = WrapFoldable { unwrapFoldable :: f a }
instance (F.Foldable f) => Foldable' (WrapFoldable f a) where
    type Element (WrapFoldable f a) = a
    foldlE f z = F.foldl f z . unwrapFoldable

instance Foldable' B.ByteString where
    type Element B.ByteString = Word8
    foldlE = B.foldl

instance Foldable' T.Text where
    type Element (T.Text) = Char
    foldlE = T.foldl

or even better with FlexibleInstances:

instance (F.Foldable t) => Foldable' (t a) where
    type Element (t a) = a
    foldlE = F.foldl

Now I can write (with FlexibleContexts):

histogram :: (Ord (Element t), Foldable' t) => t -> Histogram (Element t)
histogram = foldlE (flip histogramStep) empty

and use it on Foldables, ByteStrings, Texts etc.

  • Is there another (perhaps simpler) way to do it?
  • Is there some library that addresses this problem (in this way or another)?
like image 36
Petr Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 03:11


You might consider objectifying folds themselves:

import Data.List (foldl', unfoldr)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word
type Histogram a = Map.Map a Int

empty :: (Ord a) => Histogram a
empty = Map.empty
histogramStep :: (Ord a) => Histogram a -> a -> Histogram a
histogramStep h k = Map.insertWith (+) k 1 h 

histogram :: Ord b => Fold b (Histogram b)
histogram = Fold histogramStep empty id

histogramT :: T.Text -> Histogram Char
histogramT = foldT histogram
histogramB :: B.ByteString -> Histogram Word8
histogramB = foldB histogram 
histogramL :: Ord b => [b] -> Histogram b
histogramL = foldL histogram

-- helper library
-- see http://squing.blogspot.fr/2008/11/beautiful-folding.html
-- note existential type
data Fold b c where  Fold ::  (a -> b -> a) -> !a -> (a -> c) -> Fold b c
instance Functor (Fold b) where  fmap f (Fold op x g) = Fold op x (f . g)

foldL :: Fold b c -> [b] -> c
foldL (Fold f x c) bs = c $ (foldl' f x bs)

foldV :: V.Unbox b => Fold b c -> V.Vector b -> c
foldV (Fold f x c) bs = c $ (V.foldl' f x bs)

foldT :: Fold Char t -> T.Text -> t
foldT (Fold f x c) t = c $ (T.foldl' f x t)

foldB :: Fold Word8 t -> B.ByteString -> t
foldB (Fold f x c) t = c $ (B.foldl' f x t)

sum_, product_ :: Num a => Fold a a
sum_ = Fold (+) 0 id
product_ = Fold (*) 1 id

length_ :: Fold a Int
length_ = Fold (const . (+1)) 0 id
maximum_ = Fold max 0 id
like image 21
applicative Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11
