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Type Constraints : Can they be inferred from the datatype of a function's arguments?




newtype ( Show a , Show b , Show c ) => T a b c = T Int
t :: T a b c -> a -> b -> c -> String
t ( T x ) a b c = show a ++ show b ++ show c

gives me an error:

No instance for (Show c)
      arising from a use of `show'
    In the second argument of `(++)', namely `show c'
    In the second argument of `(++)', namely `show b ++ show c'
    In the expression: show a ++ show b ++ show c

But this

newtype ( Show a , Show b , Show c ) => T a b c = T Int
t :: ( Show a , Show b , Show c ) => T a b c -> a -> b -> c -> String
t ( T x ) a b c = show a ++ show b ++ show c



In the first case, doesn't "T a b c" already imply that "( Show a , Show b , Show c )"? Why is it necessary to explicitly specify the constraint?

like image 238
Dingfeng Quek Avatar asked Jul 04 '11 15:07

Dingfeng Quek

1 Answers

No, putting a context on a data (newtype) definition never did quite what one might expect. It only changes the type of the constructor when constructing values, nothing new happens when pattern matching. It's a basically useless feature and it has been removed in the latest version of Haskell.

What you expect is quite reasonable, but it's not what data type contexts do.

like image 96
augustss Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10
