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New posts in leap-year

Calculating a time duration with Joda-Time

Leap Year Boolean Logic: Include Parentheses?

EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime issue with leap Year in linq to entity

Counting days of the year with leap years

Finding out if its a leap year and setting accordingly

Handling leap years in Python

mysql birthday reminder, leap year

mysql leap-year

What calendar appears to count days since December 28, 1800?

datetime calendar leap-year

Leap year calculation in C++ for Homework assignment?

c++ leap-year

Oracle DB Ora-01839: date not valid for month specified. 29-02-2016 leap year

oracle oracle12c leap-year

Java leap year code problems

java jgrasp leap-year

Calculating years between from a leap year

Get a vector of all days in a year with R

r date leap-year

Javascript: calculate number of days in month for a given year

Using regex to match date format in yyyymmdd

How to determine the date one day prior to a given date in Java?

java date leap-year

Leap year check using bitwise operators (amazing speed)

PHP: Adding years to a timestamp

What are some examples of leap year bugs?

Easy way to determine leap year in ruby?

ruby datetime leap-year