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New posts in language-interoperability

Forced to define Go struct for casting an unsafe.Pointer() to a C struct

Objective C & Swift Interoperability causes error "Extensions may not contain stored properties"

ObjC generic collection with protocol as parameter is translated as [AnyObject]

D and C++ currently interoperability status

GNU Fortran and C interoperability

Calling a Go callback function from C++ through SWIG

About using F# to create a Matrix assembly usable from C#

haskell scala interoperability

dart/flutter: getting data array from C/C++ using ffi?

Is CORBA a language?

How can I pass data from Perl to Java?

Implementing unsafe Java interfaces

Operator overload "<" declared in Swift class is sometimes not called when used in Objective-C

Use Python alongside C# in Windows UWP app

Calling Java from Clojure

How can I make my Objective-C class conform to Swift's `Equatable` protocol?

Create Indexer in VB.NET which can be used from C#

calling methods on .net object from coldfusion

Avoiding writing the same algorithm in multiple different languages