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New posts in language-design

Why properties are not declarables in interfaces

Why is modulus defined the way it is in programming languages

Assigning URIs to RDF Resources

Why can I lock on any object type in C#?

Maximum size of an array - Type mismatch: cannot convert from long to int

java arrays language-design

What is the prefered way in using the parallel collections in Scala?

Why are Ruby hashes called hashes, and not maps, dicts, tables or associatve arrays?

ruby language-design

Why there is no constructor-with-parameters constrain on generic parameters in C#?

c# language-design

Why was erlang:now() specced such that it may skew the time of a node?

erlang language-design

What is "override-equivalence" and how is it related to @Override?

Interpreted languages: The higher-level the faster?

Complexity of Java 7's current Lambda proposal? (August 2010)

Do default constructors for private inner classes have a formal parameter?

java language-design

How much existing C++ code would break if void was actually defined as `struct void {};`

Foreach can throw an InvalidCastException?

c# foreach language-design

In Perl, why does the `while(<HANDLE>) {...}` construct not localize `$_`?

What is the difference between static and dynamic binding?

What is a formal parameter?

Empty if-statements [duplicate]

java language-design

How to track newer C++ std documents of given topic?