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New posts in language-design

Why is F#'s type inference so fickle?

Why are there no ||= or &&= operators in C#?

Why does the power operator in F# only work for floating point numbers?

f# language-design

Why can't Java constructors be synchronized?

Why isn't Array a generic type?

Why can't we define a variable inside an if statement?

c# language-design scope

Using variable keys to access values in JavaScript objects

Purpose of Scala's Symbol? [duplicate]

Why not call nullptr NULL?

c++ c++11 language-design

Purpose of "let expression" (LetExpr) in the Java compiler?

Why does Ruby have TrueClass and FalseClass instead of a single Boolean class?

ruby language-design

Why can't I inherit from int in C++?

Why is there no sub-class visibility modifier in Java?

What are C macros useful for?

Which classes cannot be subclassed?

what does a php function return by default?

Why can't you have multiple interfaces in a bounded wildcard generic?

Why are references not reseatable in C++

What's the difference between __builtin__ and __builtins__?

Why does Java not allow foreach on iterators (only on iterables)? [duplicate]