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New posts in language-design

Why are slices in Python 3 still copies and not views?

Lua operators, why isn't +=, -= and so on defined?

James Gosling's explanation of why Java's byte is signed

What is the difference between a class and a type in Scala (and Java)?

Could a final variable be reassigned in catch, even if assignment is last operation in try?

Why aren't C# static class extension methods supported?

c# linq language-design

What is the operator "" in C++?

Why can't C# member names be the same as the enclosing type name?

c# language-design

Why is Clojure dynamically typed?

Why does the TypeScript compiler compile its optional chaining and null-coalescing operators with two checks?

Why doesn't Rust support trait object upcasting?

How does a stackless language work?

design of python: why is assert a statement and not a function?

Is Lua based primarily on well-established programming-language ideas? [closed]

lua language-design

Why do the C++ language designers keep re-using keywords?

Why is adding null to a string legal?

c# language-design

Bounding generics with 'super' keyword

Is there a better PHP way for getting default value by key from array (dictionary)?

Why does Python assignment not return a value?

Performance of "direct" virtual call vs. interface call in C#