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Rearrange an array so that arr[i] becomes arr[arr[i]] with O(1) extra space

Using pen strokes with fuzzy tolerance algorithm as encryption key

Parsing code with syntax errors

parsing language-agnostic

Algorithm to determine the highest and lowest possible finishing position of a team in a league

Test driven development for signal processing libraries

Find pairs in an array such that a%b = k , where k is a given integer

Internationalization: Are IP Addresses entered in the same format for all cultures?

Demystifying Web Authentication

What is a good heuristic for determining the tab width used in a source file?

Atom Publishing Protocol in real life

synchronizes-with, happens-before relation and acquire-release semantics

How to quickly find optimal bomb drop zone?

How to parse relative time?

With IEEE-754, 0 < ABS(const) < 1, is (x / const) * const guaranteed to return distinct results for distinct values of X?

Finding the Longest Palindrome Subsequence with less memory

How can I create an alphanumeric Regex for all languages?

Text message (SMS) verification for signups

How might a class like .NET's ConcurrentBag<T> be implemented?

NFA minimization without determinization

Fix bugs in library code, or abandom them?

api language-agnostic