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New posts in language-agnostic

What to cache when 99.9% of your data changes frequently?

language-agnostic caching

ID Best Practices for Databases [closed]

DDD: refer to an entity inside an aggregate root by its identity

Algorithm to determine the best team and formation?

How to evaluate an IP?

What are the real challenges for a developer migrating between programming languages? [closed]

What's the optimal way to compute a hashcode for a set of points?

should i allow user to change email when using email as username? [closed]


Why should you ever have to care whether an object reference is an interface or a class?

language-agnostic oop

What's the difference between closures and traditional classes?

Substring search algorithms (very large haystack, small needle)

How to calculate the lexicographical rank of a given permutation

Will it ever be possible to run all web traffic via HTTPS?

Getting started at Game Development


What are the benefits and drawbacks of using header files? [closed]

Algorithms for testing a poker hand for a straight draw (4 to a straight)?

Calculate Index from row and column


How to improve efficiency of algorithm which generates next lexicographic permutation?

How to determine path from noisy X, Y data

Offset vs page number when doing pagination