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New posts in language-agnostic

How to cluster objects (without coordinates)

What is this pattern called (helps avoid type casting)?

What language features are required in a programming language to make a compiler?

Reading hexadecimal values in English

language-agnostic hex

Are 0 bytes files really 0 bytes?

Is the DI pattern limiting wrt expensive object creation coupled with infrequent dependency usage?

How is the modulo operator (%) actually computed?

language-agnostic modulo

Finding number of concurrent events given start and end times

How to store a polynomial?

What is the cellular automaton shown as loading screen on Wolfram Alpha?

How does adding MIN_VALUE compare integers as unsigned?

Explaining refactoring [closed]

What's a good approach for developing a simple serial number generator/verifier?

Where does the word "flatMap" originate from?

Threads or asynch?

Non-deterministic finite state machines in software development?

How to model "products" in an online store application

Which direction is better for sorting multi-column lists?

Refactor before or after ship?

Are all problems that are solvable with recursion solvable with loop?