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New posts in language-agnostic

What is a good technique or exercise when learning a new language? [closed]


Is firing off a Thread a valid answer to simplifying code?

Find common elements in two sorted arrays [duplicate]

Judging competency - does one swallow make a summer?


for-loop mechanism efficiency tips


How can I generate this pattern of numbers?

How can I reverse the ON bits in a byte?


Can anybody give me an example of overused design patterns?

What language will protect my source code?

Are "65k" and "65KB" the same?

When would you use Abstract methods over virtual methods in C#? [duplicate]

Which OS / platforms implement wait morphing optimization?

Gradual migration to a new database schema. ¿Suggestions?

How do I texture map onto a curved surface?

What language is that? (<%REPEAT...%>, <%OPTIONAL ...%>)


Should object-oriented principles be applied in procedural languages?