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What language is that? (<%REPEAT...%>, <%OPTIONAL ...%>)

This seems to be some kind of lowskilled, so sorry for that...

I've got a script which is included in a html-file. The only thing I wanna know is: which script-language is it? It uses some stuff like:


Therefore I would guess, that this is ASP, ASP.NET or something. But what doesn't fit in this guess I think, is the following:

<%REPEAT ...%>
<%/REPEAT ...%>

I'm talking about the <%REPEAT ...%>-Statements. I googled and didn't find any result. So does anyone know, from this <%REPEAT%>-tags what language it is?

Another hint: There are also severeal statements like <%OPTIONAL ...%>.

Thank you

like image 419
Fidi Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 08:11


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1 Answers

You are right in thinking that this should be either Classic ASP or ASP.NET

You can have an HTML file in IIS act like an ASP file. Trust me it's all ASP or ASP.NET.

like image 63
capdragon Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
