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New posts in language-agnostic

can view source be disabled by a website?


Tracing recursive function in paper

How much would you pay to not have to deal with a client? [closed]


Best way to fetch a varying HTML tag

if statement condition optimisation

Explaining nested arrays to a programmer [closed]

Better language feature than exception handling in C++? [closed]

null pointer vs dangling pointer


A StringToken Parser which gives Google Search style "Did you mean:" Suggestions

A beginner's question on web technologies [closed]


When writing XML, is it better to hand write it, or to use a generator such as simpleXML in PHP?

php xml language-agnostic

ASCII + Numpad combination for power 10

c# math language-agnostic

website doesn't use flash so what is it using?


Why differentiate between methods that return a value and methods that don't?

Am I overdoing it with my Factory Method?

How do I remove spaces from all the file-names in the current directory

Can a Non-Interpreted language have a Garbage Collector?

How should I name a method that does this...?


What is the difference between object and instance?

Where do we draw the line with vocabulary when naming? [closed]
