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Secret santa algorithm

Tournament bracket placement algorithm

Code Golf: Diamond Blackjack

How can I improve the subjective speed of my application?

How do you structure config data in a database?

How to unit test complex methods

Should I unittest private/protected method

Find K nearest Points to Point P in 2-dimensional plane

Code Golf: Zigzag pattern scanning

Get adjacent elements in a two-dimensional array?

Code Golf: Code 39 Bar Code

Is it worth to exclude null fields from a JSON server response in a web application to reduce traffic?

Converting color value from float 0..1 to byte 0..255

c language-agnostic colors

What are "magic numbers" in computer programming?

BIT:Using a binary indexed tree? [closed]

Join a string using delimiters

Integer vs String in database

Find the most common entry in an array

How do I avoid having the database password stored in plaintext in sourcecode?

What's a good naming convention for methods that take conditional action?