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RMarkdown: knitr::purl() on Python code chunk?

python r r-markdown knitr

Pandoc's environment cslreferences undefined when knitting RMarkdown to PDF in RStudio

r latex r-markdown knitr pandoc

In RStudio, where is knitr markdown output located?

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R Run knitr from a batch-file (windows)

r batch-file knitr

Unicode characters in plots to use in dynamic reports using R, Sweave and knitr

r unicode ggplot2 knitr rstudio

In R and knitr, how do I plot INLA results?

r graphics latex knitr

How can I write a degree symbol in RMarkdown 2?

r pdf latex knitr r-markdown

Hyperlinking within an HTML Presentation using R Markdown

html markdown rstudio knitr

When running knit to .Rmd output the chunks are not valid

r knitr

Unable to use `format = "latex"` in knitr::kable() within a rmarkdown document generated via shiny

r shiny knitr

Pass code to Input of Rmarkdown render function instead of a file

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Recommended way to initialize JS renderer in 'asis' R Markdown chunk

r r-markdown knitr

Italicise text in latex figure caption produced by knitr

r knitr

Generating a table of contents (toc) when using knitr's spin()

r knitr knitr-spin

Unwanted white space with knitr+booktabs package

r latex knitr

Knitr and Figure Caption in HTML

r ggplot2 knitr r-markdown

Change background colour of knitr::kable headers

New error when knitting get_engine(options$engine)

r knitr

R markdown error in evaluate_call(...) when knitting any Rmd file

r knitr r-markdown

Warning message at R startup (slidify, rmarkdown)

r knitr r-markdown slidify