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New posts in knapsack-problem

0-1 Knapsack w/ partitioning constraints

Hockey pool Algorithm


Algorithm for solving this distributing beads puzzle?

C++ implementation of knapsack branch and bound

Get the most efficient combination of a large List of objects based on a field

Solving the Integer Knapsack

Is Dynamic 0/1 Knapsack a Total Joke?

Anything prevents optimizing tail-recursion?

Knapsack with continuous (non distinct) constraint

Knapsack: how to add item type to existing solution

Designing a different kind of tag cloud

0/1 Knapsack Dynamic Programming Optimization, from 2D matrix to 1D matrix

Divide people into teams for most satisfaction

Printing Items that are in sack in knapsack

OpenMP - Nested for-loop becomes faster when having parallel before outer loop. Why?

Why solving Knapsack problem is not considered as linear programming?

Knapsack with multiple bags and items having only weight

Can bottom-up dynamic programming be done in Lisp?

Knapsack algorithm with an additional property

Any pseudo-polynomial algorithm for bounded 0-1 multi-knapsack?