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New posts in knapsack-problem

Strange but practical 2D bin packing optimization

Algorithm design: can you provide a solution to the multiple knapsack problem?

Variation on knapsack - minimum total value exceeding 'W'

Do you need to sort inputs for dynamic programming knapsack

DP algorithm for bounded Knapsack?

How is this memoized DP table too slow for SPOJ?

How to ensure Java threads run on different cores

Efficient table for Dynamic Programming in Haskell

How does DP helps if there are no overlapping in sub problems [0/1 knapsack]

How do I solve the 'classic' knapsack algorithm recursively?

Multiple Constraint Knapsack Problem

Optimal way of filling 2 knapsacks?

Knapsack - brute force algorithm

How to find which elements are in the bag, using Knapsack Algorithm [and not only the bag's value]?

0/1 knapsack with dependent item weight?

Why is the knapsack problem pseudo-polynomial?