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R markdown: How to create a table with images and text which should be knitted as PDF?

Merging column header in latex table created by kable in Rmarkdown

r-markdown kable kableextra

Problems rendering table using r Markdown, kable and kableExtra

r markdown kable kableextra

Vertical align kable's column name

r knitr kable kableextra

In RStudio, `knit` always works, but `rmarkdown::render` fails on second run (but not first!)

How to create table in rmarkdown using greek letters in column headers?

r r-markdown knitr kable

knitr changes (1) to <ol> when rendering html?

r r-markdown knitr kable

rmarkdown & kable/kableextra: Printing % symbol in Table when using escape = F

row_spec() function from kableExtra does not create a horizontal line in html output

r kable kableextra

adding \label{} in kable kableExtra latex output

r latex kable kableextra

table with long text, bullet points and specific table width

r r-markdown knitr kable pander

Reduce spacing between columns in table created with kable(, format = 'markdown')

r r-markdown knitr kable

kable kableExtra, Cells with hyperlinks

r r-markdown kable kableextra

Is it possible to add vertical lines to tables produced with R knitr::kable in pdf?

kableExtra only works if there's another table in the presentation?

r r-markdown kableextra kable

RMarkdown kable vertically align cells

Table Cross-References in Bookdown with MS-Word Output?