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New posts in jquery-selectors

Copy the contents of one column to another in jQuery

Checkbox binding in knockout not working on trigger event

Alternative to .selector property now that it is removed in jQuery 1.9

My browser does not match my CSS (but jQuery does)

How come $('html').animate() only works in IE and $('body').animate() is needed for Chrome/Safari?

How to use :contains(text) with any text with jQuery

Create a jquery stopwatch which begins on user focus, stops on focus out and begins a new timer

jquery setting options after init


Is there a more efficient way to write $('parent > child')?

jquery index() with some specific selector...?

Is there an elegant way to select an element in JQuery if another does not exist?

jquery dom jquery-selectors

In a userscript, is there any advantage to using querySelector() vs jQuery's $()?

find selector used jQuery

JQuery: Get tag content excluding nested tags

How do i compute the Time For execution of Each Jquery Statement

Optimize jQuery selector with :first

jQuery child of clicked element

jquery jquery-selectors

Best practice for CSS class naming for use with jQuery selectors

Rendering HighCharts to class instead of id?

Getting the "match" object in a Custom Filter Selector in jQuery 1.8