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Is there an elegant way to select an element in JQuery if another does not exist?

Suppose I have the following requirement: Add the element e to the element with id "x" if such an element exists, otherwise add e to the body.

In DOM level 0, I can write:

var parent = document.getElementById("x") || document.body;

In jQuery, the following does not work:

var parent = $("#x") || $("body");

because if no element with id x exists, the first disjunct returns the empty jquery object, with is truthy, not falsy, so the append does nothing. I can, however, write:

var parent = $("#x")[0] || $("body")[0];

but this solution is somewhat clunky because indexing the jQuery object gets me back to HTMLElements, so I must use appendChild instead of append. While this works, I am wondering whether this mixing of levels is appropriate or indicative of bad design.

Might there be a way to use first()? Perhaps I could create a jQuery object that was essentially an array whose first element was the div with id x, and the second was the body. I know I can do this with the jQuery constructor form that takes an element array, but then I am back to a mixing of levels. I also know how to check for the existence of an element with id x ($("#x").length), but I cannot see how this will lead to an elegant way to phrase "the element with id x if it exists, else the body."

Does such a formulation exist?

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Ray Toal Avatar asked Jul 22 '12 03:07

Ray Toal

1 Answers

Honestly, I don't really think this is exceedingly verbose:

var parent = $('#x');
if(parent.length == 0) parent = $('body');

And its intent is also quite clear. You could even wrap it in a function if this idiom comes up a lot.

Also, here's a ternary form that only fires each query once (though it's a trade-off on readability):

var parent = (x = $('#header')).length ? x : $('body');
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Matchu Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
