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JQuery: Get tag content excluding nested tags

I've got some HTML like the following:

<span id="A">Text I'm interested in
  <span id="B">Other crap I don't care about</span>

I'm looking to get the text content of span "A" excluding any nested tags (i.e. the content of span "B" in the above example). I'm trying to get the text content, not the HTML content. Also, in my particular case, I know there will always be some text inside of span A prior to any other tags, but I'm interested in the less-constrained solution as well.

The simple-but-clunky approach I've considered going with is just doing $("#A").html() and then parsing through until I hit an unescaped "<" but it feels like there should be a cleaner solution.

like image 668
Dane B Avatar asked Jan 05 '10 15:01

Dane B

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1 Answers

I'm fairly sure there's no built in way to do it - although you could look for a plugin, it may exist. Someone else posted the .text() method (but deleted the post) which will get you ALL the text, minus the tags, which means you'll get "Text I'm interested in Other crap I don't care about" -- not what you want.


Okay, I decided I was interested in this so I spent some time. Here's the solution :)

    copyOf = $('#A').clone();
    copysKids = copyOf.children();


What we're doing is making a clone of the node you're trying to get text out of - we don't want to operate on the original because this would change the page. Then we're grabbing a collection of all the child nodes, and nuking them. The remaining text is the text you were looking for.

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Erik Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10
