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New posts in jpa-2.0

JDBCRealm with JPA

java glassfish jpa-2.0

Unable to acquire a connection from driver [null], user [null] and URL [null] postgres

eclipse jpa-2.0 java-ee-6

Spring JPA: Query builder versus Criteria Builder , which one to use?

Way to automatically truncate a String column using JPA / Spring / Hibernate?

Pros and cons of JPA bidirectional relationships

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Why the compiler doesn't recognize the metamodel attributes?

JPA2 persistence for a @ManyToMany Map containing a Set

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JPA Mixed Inheritance Strategy

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SpringPersistenceUnitInfo :: AbstractMethodError

spring jpa-2.0

JPA 2.0: @AttributeOverrides and inherited attributes don't get on well with each other

jpa jpa-2.0

Is it possible to use Querydsl without generated query types?

JPA query timeout parameters ignored but @Transaction annotation works

java spring jpa timeout jpa-2.0

How to store uuid in binary form using hibernate JPA 2

Hibernate fetch join -> cannot fetch multiple bags

hibernate join jpa-2.0 fetch

IN and = operator in JPA query language

java eclipselink jpa-2.0 jpql

Having clause along with 'case when' in CriteriaBuilder

select from two tables using JPQL

java orm jpa-2.0 jpql openjpa

How to set collection items for in-clause in jpql?

Spring : @PersistenceContext and @Autowired thread safety?

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Many to many association without join table

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