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New posts in jpa-2.0

Two EAR files, same JPA entitymanager, same transaction => same session?

JPA 2.0 Provider Hibernate

Can .hbm files be used in a JPA application with Hibernate as JPA provider?

Configure Spring JPA applications with Hibernate for unit testing(lazy-loading)

jpa2 reuses entityManager with guice

JPA2 critera query in-expression on FK issues n select statements, where n is #values

hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

When should I use @Basic(optional = false) in JPA 2.0

java hibernate jpa-2.0

Sample persistence.xml for a production instance using jpa2 and hibernate 3.6.x

java hibernate jpa-2.0

Jpa OneToMany not persist child

jpa jpa-2.0

How to integrate JPA validation with CDI and Seam Validation

Play + Ebean + JPA: Cascade a delete on a OneToOne mapping

Rewrite query in JPA

jpa spring-data-jpa jpa-2.0

Hibernate: How configure EntityManager in Hibernate?

configure Hibernate to use a renamed persistence.xml

java hibernate jpa-2.0

How can i inner join a subquery in JPQL

jpa jpa-2.0 jpql

Java design issue where behavior is attached to annotations

How to query for a M:N relationship using enums with CriteriaBuilder

JPA @Version overflow

java jpa jpa-2.0

JBoss 5.1: Hibernate with JPA

hibernate jpa-2.0 jboss5.x

Create a JPA Criteria fully dynamically