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New posts in jpa-2.0

JSF Image servlet doesn't load image

jsf-2 jpa-2.0 ejb-3.0

JPQL Right Join

query without derived table

mysql jpa-2.0

How to get a PessimisticLockException with JPA

Selecting specific columns in jpa 2 Criteria API?

JPA 2 - Using the EntityManager in JavaSE - a couple of questions

JPA relationship not getting updated when children are removed

Test data generator for JPA or Hibernate

JNDI lookup not working with EJB 3.x

App Engine does not create local_db.bin

How do I load a Set of Strings from a JoinTable?

Rewrite SQL query with JOINS in JPA

jpa spring-data-jpa jpa-2.0

JPA2.0 support of custom user-types and second level cache

JPA 2 CriteriaQuery Question

java jpa jpa-2.0 criteriaquery

Weird id values in Postgresql with JPA 2 Sequence generation

Spring/JPA/Hibernate persist entity : Nothing happen

java spring hibernate jpa-2.0

Configuring persistence and orm with JPA 2

How to map a MySQL char(n) column to an instance variable using a JPA/Hibernate annotation?

mysql hibernate jpa-2.0

JPA with JTA: Persist entity and merge cascaded child entities

Triggers versus JPA Event

triggers jpa-2.0