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Test data generator for JPA or Hibernate

Are there any tools or libraries that can be used to generate test data using JPA or entity beans? I believe this will be very helpful for unit testing where we can have an in memory database with data dynamically generated just when we start our testing. So, there will be no communication with actual DB servers and not any waste of time.

I was only able to find JPAMock. But it is still under development. It would be nice if someone could provide a good pointer.

Thanks a lot.

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Bala Avatar asked Oct 31 '11 09:10


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1 Answers

You could try out Random-JPA, a framework designed to generate random data. The setup is minimal.

I developed it and have been using it for over an year on our production tests. It works perfectly fine. Though it currently supports Oracle, MySQL & MSSQL with full feature.

Code: https://github.com/kuros/random-jpa

Tutorial: https://kuros.in/random-jpa

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Kumar Rohit Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Kumar Rohit