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New posts in jenkinsfile

Deploy application using Jenkinsfile and AWS Code deploy

Jenkins Multi-Branch Pipeline -- include another script into local Jenkinsfile

How can I have a Jenkins pipeline build be triggered from a repository with no jenkinsfile?

Jenkinsfile: Define and assign values to several variables at once seems not to be implemented

jenkins groovy jenkinsfile

how to concatenate strings in a Jenkinsfile?

jenkins jenkinsfile

How do I import a Groovy class into a Jenkinfile?

How to extract sections of Jenkins pipeline script into classes?

How can I list the variables already available inside Jenkinsfile?

How do I tag the current git changeset from inside the Jenkinsfile?

Not able to read Git Environment variables Jenkins using Groovy Jenkinsfile

How to load another groovy script in the same Jenkins node?

Jenkins pipeline code auto trigger with multiple repositories through GitHub Organization Folder Plugin

Configuration of includedRegions in Jenkinsfile?

jenkins jenkinsfile

How to perform actions for failed builds in Jenkinsfile

Jenkinsfile build log

How to set custom context for docker.build in jenkinsfile

How to pass variables from Jenkinsfile to shell command

How can I override the "part of app-pipeline" buildname?

How to do simple if-statements inside a declarative pipeline in Jenkins