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Jenkins pipeline code auto trigger with multiple repositories through GitHub Organization Folder Plugin

This question is related to the Jenkins job auto trigger with multiple repositories.

Defined 3 repo's to checkout in Jenkinsfile.

 git clone github.com/owner/abc.git -b ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
 git clone github.com/owner/def.git -b ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
 git clone github.com/owner/ghi.git -b ${env.BRANCH_NAME}

Configured Jenkins job using Github organization plugin.

In this case my Jenkinsfile is in abc repo and the Jenkins auto trigger is working fine for the abc repo. its not working for other repo's.

Is there anyway to define auto trigger for 2 or more repo's?

Is there any plugin which can auto trigger job for 2 or more repositories?

Do I need to define "checkout scm" different way in Jenkinsfile?

like image 443
Nitin Avatar asked Aug 08 '16 04:08


People also ask

How do I create an organization folder in Jenkins?

To create an Organization Folder in Jenkins, go to: New Item → GitHub Organization or New Item → Bitbucket Team and follow the configuration steps for each item, making sure to specify appropriate Scan Credentials and a specific owner for the GitHub Organization or Bitbucket Team name, respectively.

1 Answers

Yes, you can do that with the Pipeline script from SCM option in a pipeline job by specifying multiple repositories (click on Add Repository button), assuming you can watch the same branch for your 3 repositories, which seems to be your case.

enter image description here

With this configuration (and of course the Poll SCM option activated), a build will be triggered every time a change is made to one of your three repositories.

A few more hints about this solution:

  1. You need a Jenkinsfile in each repository
  2. If you commited on more than one project between two SCM polls the result will be unpredictable (either one of the two projects you just committed in could finally get built) so you should not depend on which project gets built.
  3. To solve previous point and also avoid code duplication, you should probably just load a generic script from each of your Jenkinsfile, such as:

Jenkinsfile in abc/def/ghi:

node {
    // --- Load the generic pipeline ---
    checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'http://github/owner/pipeline-repo.git']]]
    load 'common-pipeline.groovy'

common-pipeline.groovy script:

{ ->
    node() {
       git clone github.com/owner/abc.git
       git clone github.com/owner/def.git
       git clone github.com/owner/ghi.git            

       // Whatever you do with your 3 repos...
like image 56
Pom12 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
