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Deploy application using Jenkinsfile and AWS Code deploy

I am migrating from Jenkins 1.x to Jenkins 2. I want to build and deploy application using Jenkinsfile. I am able to build gradle application, but I am confused about deploying application via AWS Codedeploy using Jenkinsfile.

Here is my jenkinsfile

node {
   // Mark the code checkout 'stage'....
   stage 'Checkout'
   // Get some code from a GitHub repository
      git branch: 'master', 
       credentialsId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx', 
       url: 'https://github.com/somerepo/someapplication.git'

   // Mark the code build 'stage'....
   stage 'Build'
   // Run the gradle build
      sh '/usr/share/gradle/bin/gradle build -x test -q buildZip -Pmule_env=aws-dev -Pmule_config=server'

    stage 'Deploy via Codedeploy'
    //Run using codedeploy agent

I have searched many tutorial but they're using AWS Code deploy plugin instead. Could you help me deploying application via AWS Codedeploy using Jenkinsfile?

Thank you.

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user1693222 Avatar asked Jun 08 '16 06:06


1 Answers

Alternatively you can use AWS CLI commands to do code deployment. This involves two steps.

Step 1 - Push the deployment bundle to S3 bucket. See the following command:

aws --profile {profile_name} deploy push --application-name {code_deploy_application_name} --s3-location s3://<s3_file_path>.zip


  1. profile_name = name of AWS profile (if using multiple accounts)
  2. code_deploy_application_name = name of AWS code deployment application.
  3. s3_file_path = S3 file path for deployment bundle zip file.

Step 2 - Initiate code deployment The second command is the used to trigger code deployment. See the following command:

aws --profile {profile} deploy create-deployment  --application-name {code_deploy_application_name} --deployment-group-name {code_deploy_group_name} --s3-location bucket={s3_bucket_name},bundleType=zip,key={s3_bucket_zip_file_path}


  1. profile = name of your AWS profile (if using multiple accounts)
  2. code_deploy_application_name = same as step 1.
  3. code_deploy_group_name = name of code deployment group. This is associated with your code deploy application.
  4. s3_bucket_name = name of S3 bucket which will store your deployment artefacts. (Make sure that your role that performs code deploy has permissions to s3 bucket.)
  5. s3_bucket_zip_file_path = same as step 1.
like image 111
Suken Shah Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Suken Shah