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jenkins artifactory plugin: Target Repository is empty

I am new to Jenkins aand Artifactory. I am using Artifactory 3.0.4 and Jenkins 1.535 and I try to create a free-style software project. Need to deploy the artifact into Artifactory repository by Jenkins. I use default user id and pwd for artifactory. Both Artifactory and Jenkins run as window service with default local system account.

I select Generic-Artifactory Integration, and the Artifactory server is set correctly. But Target Repository is empty.

Something is wrong with my settings.

Appreciate any help.

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user3022662 Avatar asked Nov 22 '13 17:11


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How do I use Jenkins Artifactory plugin?

Overview. To install the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins, click on the Available tab and search for Artifactory. Select the Artifactory plugin and click Download Now and Install After Restart.

How do you push artifacts to Artifactory from Jenkins?

This is made via passing Jenkins BUILD_NUMBER variable to Maven. In the post-build actions section, add deploy artifacts to the Artifactory step, specify that you would like to add your artifacts, and check the 'Deploy Maven Artifacts' checkbox. You will also need to specify a project name and path to your repository.

What is Artifact repository in Jenkins?

The Jenkins project uses its own Artifactory binary repository, to distribute core, library, and plugin releases. Only artifacts uploaded there can be considered released. Plugins and libraries are not uploaded or mirrored to Maven Central.

2 Answers

It was fetched by Artifactory Jenkins plugin directly in back-end !!

Firstly, in system configuration, the artifactory server shall be put into url, and click the Test Connection, it shall return something like "Found Artifactory 3.0.3". If this doesn't work, you need check user/passwd and network connection. You can try in command line in that server

Command looks like

curl -uadmin:password http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/repositories?type=local

Secondly in the job, you need to save and open the configuration again, it will trigger the plugin to fetch the list again.

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Larry Cai Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Larry Cai

My guess will be you didn't define the patterns of artifacts to be deployed to Artifactory. For example, if you wish to upload all the zip files, produced by your build to zips directory, you should add something like out/*.zip=>zips. The help on the Edit Published Artifacts textfield is very informative.

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JBaruch Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
