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New posts in jenkins-workflow

jenkins parallel workflow plugin fails with java.io.NotSerializableException: hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher

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Iterating a groovy list in Jenkins Pipeline DSL

jenkinsfile parameter properties not configured in jenkins server at initial branch creation

Initializing Jenkins 2.0 with pipeline in init.groovy.d script

How to set the output of sh to a Groovy variable? [duplicate]

With Jenkins Pipeline scripts, is it safe to access a global variable from a parallel step?

How to get stdout and stderr from single Jenkins Pipeline parallel blocks?

How to use a parameter from NodeLabelParameter Plugin with the "build" step of Jenkins Workflow

Jenkins Pipeline: How to dump errors?

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Jenkins Workflow: Multibranch plugin checkout to subdirectory

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Duplicate changelogs in jenkins pipeline script with SVN

Access Stage results in Workflow/ Pipeline plugin

Email-ext and Workflow/Pipeline - some tokens not being expanded?

Run Parts of a Pipeline as Separate Job

How to set environment variable from a job and use it in next job in jenkins?

Multibranch Pipeline - configure branch projects

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Preserve Jenkins workspace

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How to repeat a stage in Jenkins Workflow

Stop the pipeline when stage is unstable


Jenkins Workflow Multibranch allow for specifying Jenkinsfile path