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Duplicate changelogs in jenkins pipeline script with SVN

This question is basically the same as this one except I'm using subversion, and no plugin update has done the trick for me.

I'm loading my Jenkinsfile script with a multibranch pipeline setting, and the changelog gets duplicated at each new checkout scm.

Since in my build I'm using multiple workspaces, allocated through node inside parallel blocks, I'm calling fresh checkouts for each of them, and the changelog duplication is getting a bit annoying.

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Federico Bonelli Avatar asked May 05 '16 10:05

Federico Bonelli

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1 Answers

Rather than redefining the SCM class, one can still refer to the original "scm" object and disable the changelog like so:

checkout(changelog: false, scm: scm)

This will retain the intended behviour of "checkout scm" while disabling the changelog generation.

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Deepu Sudhakar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Deepu Sudhakar